Lawrence H. Moulton
Biostatistics and International Health
Note: this website is rarely updated; its purpose is to give some general information about what I have been up to. Perhaps some day I'll really do something with it.
Brief Bio
I am a biostatistician who strives to find optimal solutions for the design and analysis of public health studies in complex international environments. I have been the principal statistician on numerous international field trials, including vitamin A and Hib vaccine trials with over 14,000 and 50,000 participants respectively. My expertise is in correlated data analysis, study design, and statistical epidemiology, with a focus on cluster randomized trials. Substantive areas of interest include safety and effectiveness of childhood vaccines, the prevention of HIV and tuberculosis transmission, and the prevention of diarrheal and respiratory diseases of childhood. After a 25-year hiatus, I have returned to frittering away my spare time skydiving.
Published Work
Cluster Randomised Trials, 2nd Edition, 2017.                      Richard J. Hayes, Lawrence H. Moulton
Book website:
Our book discusses the design, conduct, and analysis of trials that randomize groups of individuals to different treatments. It explores the advantages of cluster randomization, with special attention given to evaluating the effects of interventions against infectious diseases. Avoiding unnecessary mathematical detail, the book contains many examples with accompanying Stata code to demonstrate implementation of numerous analyses.
This link displays most of my peer-reviewed publications; some are not there because of omission of my middle initial, or the publication was not in the medical literature.
Please contact me if you need my CV or NIH biosketch.
Now living in rural Quebec.
L M O U L T O N (at) J H S P H.EDU
L M O U L T O 1 (at) J H U.EDU
L a r r y M o u l t o n (at)