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Cluster Randomised Trials

Second Edition available July 2017! 

This website contains supplementary materials for the book: Cluster Randomised Trials, Second Edition, Richard J. Hayes and Lawrence H. Moulton, 2017 Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. 

​   Link to publisher's site.     Buy now at Amazon!     


The prices may fluctuate; for now, Amazon has the best price for the hardback, but the publisher's site has the least expensive e-version.


This site contains links and materials for our book.


In addition, we endeavour to point out those corrections we have found to be of significance.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you find other errors or parts of the book you find to be insufficiently explained.



Email: L M O U L T O N @ J H S P H . E D U

© 2017 by L.H. Moulton

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